Está orientado a conocer los modos de vida de los pobladores prehispánicos de Huari. Son de especial interés los aspectos funerarios y el culto a los ancestros, para lo cual se desarrollan excavaciones arqueológicas a fin de obtener información que ayuden a comprender estos aspectos. Las trabajos arqueológicos cuentan con el auspicio del Centre de Investigación en Arqueología Precolombina de la Universidad Paris 1, Municipalidad Provincial de Huari y el Instituto de Estudios Huarinos.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The Inka Road System in North Highlands of Peru (2)
The Inka Road System in North Highland of Peru (1)
For the Archaeology Field School season 2011 the Project opens Soledad de Tambo site with Royal Inka Road running alongside it. Since 2008 we have been doing work in preservation, cleaning and recording of every architectural component of the site.
Since 1999 Instituto de Estudios Huarinos, the name under which the projects run, has been working with several local governments/municipalities, and in the last 5 years worked in several places but only the sites of Marcajirca and Huamparan have been utilized for a Field School. This year however we proceed with Soledad de Tambo, a site belonging to Inka Empire, and its intertwining Road System. The reasons switching from Huamparan to Soledad de Tambois in 2011 is municipality asking to prioritize the site and the road as they are candidates for Global Heritage for UNESCO title thus following with preservation and research would be necessary.